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Eagle Grove United Methodist Church
contact us
Who We Are


The Eagle Grove United Methodist Church consists of a group of people who love
and seek to grow closer to God every day.  Through worship services and other
ministries mentioned throughout this site, we seek to reflect the presence of Christ in
our world.  We strive to grow closer to Christ because we are amazed and thankful

that Jesus Christ gave his life for us, and giving everything back to him is the least we
can do.  We are not perfect and never claim to be.  We make mistakes, and we aren’t

always a perfect reflection of Christ, but we always seek to be better than we were
yesterday.  If you are in a similar journey of faith or if you are interested in beginning
your journey, we’d love to have you stop by for a visit.

Eagle Grove UMC

421 W. Broadway
Eagle Grove, IA  50533
Phone: 515-448-4701

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